“Everyone is allowed to have an opinion!” BUT….

You’ve undoubtedly heard the saying “Opinions are like assholes. Everyone’s got one!”

While we are offered the freedom to express our opinions, freedom to do something doesn’t always mean it’s wise to do so.

Which brings to mind another great saying: “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” (often attributed to Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, and someone else that I can’t recall)

Unfortunately, too many people don’t seem to understand opinions… and the limitations in their applicability.

Opinions are for subjective issues. “I think blue better than green” is an opinion one could reasonably have. It would be nice to know the context… like are we talking trees or sky? Because the same person would likely have a different opinion based upon the context.

BUT… 1 + 1 = 23 is not a reasonable “opinion”. In fact, one can’t actually HAVE such an opinion. It’s just plain false, inaccurate, wrong, ignorant, self-indulgent, and even ego-maniacal. That is objectively inaccurate, despite one’s beliefs!

Mathematics is not an opinion dependent subject. Yet in a discussion I will often state a fact not dissimilar to “1+1=2” and the other person will actually say “I agree”! At which point I have no choice but to ask “and if you didn’t… does that make it wrong?!”. “Your opinion is irrelevant in this case!” And the person usually looks either bewildered or offended. but I have to say that someone agreeing with 1+1=2 is the more offensive thing!

The best quote I may have ever heard regarding opinions was from a guy who used to teach for one of the organizations I was associated with decades ago. He said, “Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, but that doesn’t mean they’re qualified to.” –John M